
Health and wellness is always important, but not always easy to maintain

health & wellness advocacy

I’ve always been an active person and I was raised to appreciate nutritional meals (don’t get me wrong though, love some american deli, chick fil a, or pizza hut). growing up, i think i only thought “healthy” meant being physically active and eating well. and while, yes this is a major aspect, this is not the full picture at all.

I aim to ensure all students advocate and prioritize their health and wellness at every stage of their college career and life. this is first accomplished by understanding the vastness of health and wellness, and secondly, by choosing to maintain and nurture your well being. Your health matters the most <3


it wasn’t until i got to college that i realized how I didn’t feel healthy by just eating well or being physically active. i needed to learn to appreciate mental wellness.


The weight of the academic pressure soon got to me, and i started getting anxious, resulting in heavy headaches, breakouts, and weight loss. throughout college, my course load has gotten lighter, allowing me more time to balance my academics with all the other parts of my life. but i wish i had advocated for my wellbeing sooner, and been more proactive about taking care of my wellness wholistically.

Coming into college meant walking into a new academic and social setting. classes were harder, and as a freshmen taking 21 credits, i felt like there was little time to rest or get all of my assignments done.
