
intentional might be my favorite word. i use it a lot to refer to how important it is to live in a way that is reflective of something more.

my freshman year, i took an honors english with dr. hite. the course was heavily focused on the important of consciousness for black women in particular to have the best understanding of themselves and the world around them.

i think it’s important that there is space created on campus to practice intentionality in every aspect of living. In doing so, we get to better utilize the time we have at spelman for personal growth and wellness. i hope to be a leader in creating room for intentional living.

intentional living


saying that this class made me think would be an understatement. but this concept in particular has stayed with me since then. being curious about identifying intentionality led to my personal appreciation for focus.

in doing this, i feel i’ve gained a firmer grip on my life. I’ve recognized the aspects of my life that i can directly influence and i’m more considerate about the outcomes of my decisions.


for example, i’ve been more intentional about the friends/relationships i keep, how i carry myself, speaking to falculty and other students in passing, etc.
